Monthly Mania, Marking, & Mini

Product Image Item Name- Date Added Price
Monthly Markings: October

Monthly Markings: October

Number 10 in the series. An owl with a pumpkin sitting next to it. Stitch count 30w x 30h. Stitched on 32ct Dirty Belfast Linen.
G6619 $5.00


Monthly Markings: September

Monthly Markings: September

Number 9 in the series. A house with a red bird and a tree in the yard. Stitch count 30w x 30h. Stitched on 32ct Dirty Belfast Linen.
C6615 $5.00


Monthly Mania: November

Monthly Mania: November

D1584 $4.00


Monthly Mania: July

Monthly Mania: July

E5802 $4.00


Monthly Mania: August

Monthly Mania: August

E5752 $4.00


Monthly Mania: May

Monthly Mania: May

G5187 $4.00


Monthly Miniatures I

Monthly Miniatures I

A collection of miniatures for January (36 x 52); February (37 x 57); March (24 x 54); April (38 x 55); May (34 x 53); and June (39 x 56). See also...
E5949 $8.00


Monthly Miniatures 2

Monthly Miniatures 2

A collection of miniatures for July (28 x 55); August (36 x 53); September (40 x 55); October (37 x 55); November (34 x 55); and December (39 x 55)....
C8768 $8.00


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