Quakers, Reproductions, Samplers

Product Image Item Name- Date Added Price
A Little Bit

A Little Bit New!

Cross stitch chart from Heartstring Samplery. Stitch count is 92W x 46H.
D8919 $10.00


Rock & Roll Sampler

Rock & Roll Sampler New!

Cross stitch chart from Heartstring Samplery. Stitch count is 191W x 235H.
H6407 $16.00


Home is Where Your Purrball is

Home is Where Your Purrball is

Cross stitch chart from Heartstring Samplery. Stitch count is 127W x 136H.
G5341 $12.00


Home is Where Your Doggo is

Home is Where Your Doggo is

Cross stitch chart from Heartstring Samplery. Stitch count is 127W x 136H.
D5529 $12.00


Home is Where Your Honey is

Home is Where Your Honey is

Cross stitch chart from Heartstring Samplery. Stitch count is 127W x 136H.
C5160 $12.00


A Ship for Mary

A Ship for Mary

Cross stitch chart from Heartstring Samplery. Stitch count is 159W x 165H.
e6835 $12.00


Emma Fisher 1859

Emma Fisher 1859

Cross stitch chart from Heartstring Samplery. Stitch count is 176 x 185.Stitched on item #4071 Edinburgh Linen 36ct Vintage Country Mocha from...
G6165 $12.00


Kate Adkin

Kate Adkin

Cross stitch chart from Heartstring Samplery. Stitch count is 132 x 129.
D5450 $10.00


Love & Joy

Love & Joy

Cross stitch chart from Heartstring Samplery. Stitch count is 119 x 61.
C6286 $10.00


Ye Olde Noel

Ye Olde Noel

Cross stitch chart from Heartstring Samplery. Stitch count is 153 x 127.
W1446 $12.00


The Dressmakers Sampler

The Dressmakers Sampler

Cross stitch chart from Heartstring Samplery. Stitch count is 253 x 282.
W6282 $18.00


Charlotte Ash 1827

Charlotte Ash 1827

Cross stitch chart from Heartstring Samplery. Stitch count is 167 x 188.
E5035 $12.00


Five Songbirds Pin Drum

Five Songbirds Pin Drum

Cross stitch chart from Heartstring Samplery. Stitch count is 180 x 73.
W1008 $10.00


Mercy Megginson 1849

Mercy Megginson 1849

Cross stitch chart from Heartstring Samplery. Stitch count is 161 x 183.
D7128 $14.00


Christmas Bells Sampler

Christmas Bells Sampler

Cross stitch chart from Heartstring Samplery. Stitch count is 200 x 200.
W6854 $14.00


The HF 1837 Sampler

The HF 1837 Sampler

Cross stitch chart from Heartstring Samplery. Stitch count is 227 x 298.
H1773 $20.00


Perry Pryor

Perry Pryor

Cross stitch chart from Heartstring Samplery. Stitch count is 101 x 207.
E6848 $12.00


The Mary Pearson Sampler

The Mary Pearson Sampler

Cross stitch chart from Heartstring Samplery. Stitch count is 262 x 427.
G1564 $28.00


Precious Littles

Precious Littles

Cross stitch chart from Heartstring Samplery. Stitch counts: Big Eyed Deer 103 x 83, Dear Sister 81 x 60, Little A&E 73 x 65, Love The Giver 81 x 70...
E6521 $12.00


Peace Band Sampler

Peace Band Sampler

Cross stitch chart from Heartstring Samplery. This band sampler is the fourth in the series, using a few phrases from a song written by Cat Stevens...
J1055 $12.00


Wedding Sampler

Wedding Sampler

Cross stitch chart from Heartstring Samplery. The wedding bells are ringing! The couple has recently just gotten married & moved into a new home as...
H7164 $15.00


Choose Your Own Motto Sampler

Choose Your Own Motto Sampler

Cross stitch chart from Heartstring Samplery. When designing this project, the designer remembered when she was a kid & was obsessed with "Choose...
W5845 $12.00


Prairie Life Sampler

Prairie Life Sampler

Cross stitch pattern by Heartstring Samplery. "Prairie Life Sampler," features a saying that says, "The real things haven't changed. It is still best...
G1474 $12.00


The Red-Headed Dog

The Red-Headed Dog

Cross stitch pattern by Heartstring Samplery. A reproduction antique sampler and three smalls. Stitch counts: Sampler 283 x 127, Pincushion 100 x 61,...
G1482 $14.00


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